Refunds Policy for PayGen


In circumstances where a merchant seeks a refund for services provided, contests a fee, or raises a complaint concerning charged amounts, Paygen has established a refund policy with specific limitations. This document aims to delineate the criteria for merchant refunds, set guidelines for customer service and operations teams, and define internal procedures for the disbursement of reimbursements.


This policy is applicable to all current and prospective merchants availing and maintaining our services.

I. Key Points

  • Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing or via phone, accompanied by a statement detailing the nature of the refund request and supporting documentation validating the claim.
  • Certain fees, including deposits and other non-refundable or protected assets, are not eligible for reimbursement and will be subtracted from the total refund amount. Deposit and protected asset policies will be communicated to merchants verbally or through the terms and conditions of service contracts.
  • Paygen retains funds to ensure continuity until the cancellation, voluntary termination, or disruption of merchant services due to merchant intervention, Paygen policy changes, or alterations in banking regulations affecting continued processing within the merchant’s respective industry.
  • Approved refunds will be processed within 30 days of approval, not from the date of the request.

II. Refund Criteria

While every complaint is taken seriously, specific criteria must be met to consider refunding a merchant for services provided. The listed criteria serve as guidelines and not an exhaustive list of all considerations during the refund process.

Non-service Specific

  • Merchant was billed for services not explicitly requested or informed about.
  • The merchant’s signed agreement contains pricing inconsistent with the charges billed.
  • Merchant cancels services with Paygen and pays fees without receiving services (excluding deposits or protected assets outlined in contracts).

Service Related

  • Gateway Fees:
    • Monthly Fee Reimbursements: Refunds may be considered if a merchant requests account closure before the billing date.
    • Chargeback Shield:
      • Mismatched Alerts: Refunds will be issued for incorrectly billed alerts due to system errors.
    • Monthly Fee: Refunds may be considered if a merchant requests account closure before the billing date.
  • Merchant Processing Account Fees:
    • Good Faith Credits are issued when a processing account, approved and billed, is closed by the processor due to risk or other issues. Reimbursement is considered if the processing provider fails/refuses to issue a refund.

III. Issuance of Complaints

If a merchant challenges the refund decision, they can submit an appeal through normal support channels. Legal actions or engagement with consumer protection bureaus will be managed by the head of operations or escalated, based on the account’s size/value.

IV. Appealing Refund Decisions

All refund claim requests should be processed within 30 days. Merchants wishing to dispute a refund decision can contact the customer email overseeing appeals via email. This policy doesn’t negate the right to take further action under consumer protection laws or pursue legal remedies.